Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine pathology that develops in people with insulin resistance and pancreatic dysfunction. Accompanied by persistent hyperglycemia. Patients are constantly thirsty, complain of frequent emptying of the bladder. The disease is based on a deficiency of its own insulin against the background of an increased level of glucose. Against the background of diabetes, appetite is often disturbed, general well-being worsens, wounds and ulcers do not heal well. The disease is chronic, characterized by constant progression. Lack of therapy is fraught with stroke, kidney failure, heart attack, a significant decrease in visual acuity. A sharp fluctuation in blood sugar can cause hyper- or hypoglycemic coma.

Diabetes mellitus develops gradually, in the early stages there may be no specific symptoms. Often, a violation is detected by chance, during the next scheduled inspection.
The progression of the disease leads to complaints of:
- thirst and dry mouth
- insomnia
- cramps in the lower extremities
- itching of the skin
- disability
- decreased emotional lability
- profuse and frequent urination
- increased appetite
- dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, which is fraught with cracks, ulcerative lesions
- decrease in visual acuity.
Regeneration processes slow down: wounds, ulcers, cuts heal for a long time. The sensitivity in the legs decreases, up to complete numbness. Progression of obesity is possible. As the disease spreads, the hair on the legs begins to fall out, while the hairiness of the skin of the face may increase. Xanthomas are formed on the body - small yellow formations.
The genitourinary system often suffers: vulvovaginitis is often diagnosed in women, and balanoposthitis in women. Metabolic processes are disturbed, defenses are reduced, the body becomes less resistant to infectious lesions. Prolonged lack of medical care can lead to osteoporosis. This is accompanied by complaints of pain in the joints and spine, deformation of the bones and violations of their integrity.
Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by tissue insulin resistance. This means that they become less sensitive to the effects of insulin. At the same time, the level of insulin in the blood plasma often remains within the normal range, and the level of sugar rises significantly. The disease is often diagnosed in patients of older age groups.
Among the predisposing factors that cause a violation, there are:
- hereditary predisposition
- nutritional errors
- cardiovascular diseases
- chronic stress
- insufficiency of the adrenal cortex
- excess weight
Diabetes can develop on the background of prolonged use of certain groups of drugs.
insulin resistance
Insulin resistance is a pathological condition that underlies the mechanisms of development of diabetes mellitus. In the body, the sensitivity of tissues to the action of insulin decreases. There may be no specific symptoms. Violation is accompanied by excess body weight, increased blood pressure.
In patients, progression of fatty hepatosis of the liver is noted, hyperpigmented areas may form on the skin: black acanthosis. To identify a violation, it is necessary to take a blood test for glucose, insulin, check the HOMA index. The basis of therapy is the correction of the diet, moderate physical activity.

Overweight people are at risk: adipose tissue blocks tissue susceptibility to the effects of insulin. This is one of the key factors that leads to the development of the disease. Excess weight is detected by more than 89% with diabetes. The cause of such a violation may be maintaining a sedentary lifestyle, hereditary predisposition, metabolic disorders. Medical correction is required, the study of the psychological state, the selection of a suitable diet.
Tumor of the pancreas
Tumors of the pancreas can provoke diabetes in people of different age groups. Typically, these neoplasms are benign and do not cause specific symptoms until they become large. Lack of timely therapy is fraught with the transformation of a benign tumor into a malignant one. At the same time, symptoms of general intoxication appear, compression of surrounding organs is observed, vessels and nerve endings suffer.
To confirm the diagnosis, the following diagnostic studies are involved:
- tumor markers
- CT scan
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- puncture
- biopsy
The treatment protocol is selected individually. In most cases, surgery is indicated. With malignancy of the pathological process, a course of chemotherapy and radiation treatment is additionally prescribed.
Sedentary lifestyle
With a lack of motor activity, mitochondria, the energy stations of every cell in the body, suffer. This entails a disruption in the functioning of internal organs, a deterioration in mood, and a tendency to depression. Many patients with diabetes tend to seize stress, rarely go in for sports. Even daily 15-minute workouts can activate metabolic processes, improve cell susceptibility to insulin and reduce the risk of diabetes. If it is not possible to practice daily, hiking in the fresh air at a fast pace is shown. It is recommended to walk and spend in the fresh air for at least half an hour a day.
Cardiovascular diseases
Under the influence of cardiovascular diseases, the sensitivity of tissues to insulin decreases and the risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases.
The greatest vigilance should be shown by people who have been diagnosed with such disorders:
- atherosclerosis
- arterial hypertension
- coronary artery disease.
IHD is a myocardial lesion that occurs when there is insufficient blood supply to the heart muscles. It is the most common cause of death, exceeding 75%. Most often observed in patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hypodynamia, obesity, as well as in smokers. It is important to treat the root causes of the disease in a timely manner, regularly examined by a cardiologist.
Improper nutrition

A significant factor is the diet of people with diabetes. They are prone to overeating, while suffering from a deficiency of nutrients. They often have a deficiency of such essential substances:
- minerals including chromium, selenium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper
- polyunsaturated fatty acids - healthy fats found in wild fish, ghee, quality cold-pressed vegetable oils
- protein, which is the building material for new cells and tissues
- fat-soluble substances: vitamins A, E, D.
The diet is often dominated by simple carbohydrates and sugar, which negatively affect the intestinal microflora, reduce the protective properties of the body. If an excess amount of sugar and carbohydrates enters the body, this provokes glucose surges and overloads the pancreas.
Endocrine diseases
Diabetes mellitus can develop against the background of endocrine diseases:
- pancreatitis
- pituitary failure
- hypothyroidism
- hyperthyroidism
- thyrotoxicosis
- dysfunction of the adrenal glands.
In this case, it requires a complex effect on the root cause, which provoked diabetes. Patients are often prescribed hormonal drugs: courses or on a regular basis. It is also important to eliminate the source of stress, normalize sleep. It is important to ensure sufficient intake of iodine, selenium, zinc and iron to ensure the normal functioning of the endocrine glands.
Infectious diseases
The manifestation of diabetes mellitus is often observed with a long-term progressive infectious disease:
- herpes
- viral hepatitis
- herpes
Chronic infection depletes the body's defenses, making it more susceptible to other diseases. The primary manifestation of hepatitis can become a symptom of a viral disease. In this case, it is important to work with the root cause - the source of infection and reduce the viral load on the body. To do this, use antiviral drugs, immunostimulants, drugs for symptomatic correction.
Certain groups of drugs can also provoke the manifestation of diabetes in the elderly or middle age.
The risk group includes people who take:
- synthetic corticosteroids
- diuretic drugs
- cytostatics
Medications can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. If medications cause insulin resistance with an increase in the risk of developing diabetes, it is advisable to reconsider the appointment, adjust the dose, and choose alternative means to replace it. It is impossible to prescribe or stop taking drugs on your own, as this may worsen the course of the underlying disease, for the treatment of which the described drugs were recommended.
Chronic insufficiency of the adrenal cortex
Adrenal insufficiency often leads to the development of diabetes. It occurs in patients with insufficient hormonal secretion of the adrenal glands. Characteristic symptoms: bronze pigmentation on the skin, mucous membranes, feeling of weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, impaired consciousness. Accompanied by water and electrolyte disturbances, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. The treatment is carried out in a complex way: the root cause is eliminated, corticosteroids, symptomatic drugs are used.
Possible Complications

Lack of timely treatment of diabetes mellitus is fraught with such complications:
- Diabetic angiopathy - increased vascular permeability, increased risk of thrombosis, cardiovascular diseases.
- Diabetic foot - occurs against the background of circulatory disorders in the lower extremities.
- Trophic ulcers in the lower extremities.
- Diabetic polyneuropathy, a condition that affects the peripheral nerves, occurs in more than 70% of patients with diabetes. Over time, polyneuropathy can transform into neuropathy. This complication is rare, but requires timely, high-quality medical care.
- Diabetic nephropathy, in which it impairs blood supply to the vessels of the kidneys and increases the likelihood of developing kidney failure.
- Diabetic coma is the most dangerous complication that is fraught with death.
Hyperglycemia occurs when there is a significant increase in blood glucose. This is accompanied by weakness, general malaise, loss of appetite, headache. If appropriate measures are not taken, the patient begins to feel sick, the vomit has the smell of acetone. Relieves pain in the abdomen, lowers blood pressure. To prevent dangerous complications, it is important to start treatment of insulin resistance / diabetes mellitus in a timely manner and constantly monitor blood glucose levels. It is impossible to select medicines on your own, since they may not have the proper therapeutic result and provoke complications.
Which doctor to contact
At the first symptoms of diabetes, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis using laboratory and instrumental techniques, will determine the degree of progression of the disorder. In the future, consultations of other doctors may be required: a cardiologist, a nutritionist, an oncologist, a gynecologist. It is important to follow all the instructions of doctors and refrain from self-medication.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive diagnosis:
- blood glucose on an empty stomach
- ketone bodies and sugar in urine
- glycosylated hemoglobin
- C-peptide
- insulin
- glucose tolerance testing.
To determine the sugar in the urine, special test strips are used. For the timely detection of complications of diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, rheovasography of the extremities, and also check the structural and functional state of the brain.
The treatment protocol is selected for each patient individually. At the same time, age, concomitant chronic, somatic diseases are taken into account. Therapy is carried out for life, the patient must be under the constant supervision of an endocrinologist. At the first stage, they review the diet, reduce the number of meals.
Optimal is two meals a day, without snacks. Breakfast with healthy fats, protein, carbohydrates can be obtained from vegetables. Bakery products, sources of sugar and other simple carbohydrates are completely removed from the diet. Portions are small, provide satiety due to the balanced composition and the presence of fat.
Drug correction involves the use of such groups of drugs:
- hypoglycemic agents
- drugs to restore blood circulation and microcirculation
- medicines for high blood pressure (if indicated)
The treatment regimen is selected individually and often supplemented with vitamin-mineral complexes, amino acids: taurine, glycine. Medicines will not help eliminate the problem completely. The patient is required to have a responsible attitude towards lifestyle correction and compliance with all doctor's recommendations.
Patients with diabetes are shown moderate physical activity. This avoids further progression of the pathological process and the development of complications. Recommended daily walking, yoga, swimming, gymnastics, breathing exercises. The best option - classes under the supervision of an instructor. The volume of loads is recommended to be discussed with the doctor in advance.

To prevent diabetes, it is important to monitor the diet, normalize body weight, eliminate the source of stress, restore the mode of work, rest, and sleep. It is important to review the diet, include a sufficient amount of healthy fats, fiber, and reduce simple carbohydrates. It is important to restore sleep: go to bed no later than 23: 00, sleep in a dark, cool room.
Particular attention is paid to physical activity: daily walking in the fresh air, running, brisk walking, swimming, and any other suitable, feasible types of physical activity. Physical inactivity is unacceptable and can aggravate the course of insulin resistance. Breathing practices are useful: pranayama, Buteyko breathing, to ensure sufficient oxygen supply to the tissues.
People and risk groups are advised to monitor the indicators of glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin, insulin. At the first sign of a violation, refuse self-treatment and turn to an experienced endocrinologist.
The prognosis for patients who promptly sought medical help and revised their lifestyle is mostly favorable. They can live long, quality lives without facing the dangerous complications of the disease. The lack of therapy leads to a reduction in life expectancy and acute/chronically developing complications.